Talking about autism: Rights-centred resources

30 September 2021 | Advocacy, Resources

Resources for a meeting with academics on autism awareness and training.

Disabled voices

LISTEN: The importance of involving nonspeaking autistic people (5-minute film, with additional resources; contributions by several South Africans)

An autistic student’s experience of Special Education training (Blog post by an autistic AAC user)

On disabled people being ‘inspirational’ (TED talk video by comedienne/disability rights activist Stella Young)


Arnstein’s Ladder of Participation (Consider: At which level are autistic people involved in research, education, recommendation of services, and in the messaging which is ‘put out there’ about autism?)

Disability Journalism guidelines (How to portray of disabled people in communications)

Early Intervention Research: Ethics violations (Most ‘evidence-based interventions for autism’ do not provide evidence of CRPD compliance)


“Nothing About Us Without Us” as a CRPD foundational principle

UN Convention on the Rights of People With Disabilities (CRPD) (Links to all Articles)

CRPD Training Guide (See Module 1 Part B for charity, medical, social and human rights approaches to disability)

CRPD General Comment Note No. 7 of 2018 (What it means to ‘represent’ disabled people)

Article by Kenyan autistic activist Karen Muriuki


Personal Best – Resources

Personal Best is a WhatsApp support and learning group for representatives of WCND member organisations who struggle with executive functioning. Executive functioning refers to the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember, and juggle multiple tasks.

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